Best Fresh Dates Fruit Price

fresh dates fruit Price

Prices of fresh dates Popular in the market are in the price range of 91,920 Tomans to 112,347 Tomans.

fresh dates fruit benefits are many, for example, it is a rich source of carbohydrates and energy, with fresh dates calories have about 20 to 70 calories. And it is said that in the Middle East, where dates are consumed daily, the rate of heart disease is very low. For this reason, with increasing demand, its price is rising

Best Fresh Dates Fruit Price

Which Type of Dates Are Best?

Which Type of Dates Are Best? Many of the health benefits of eating dates include relieving constipation, regulating cholesterol levels, bowel disorders, heart problems, anemia and sexual disorders.

Perhaps one of the main questions that has always fascinated interested people in consuming dates is what is the difference between dates and the best type of date and which type of date is more valuable and is the best type of date.

In fact, the variety of dates in the Iranian and world markets is not small. According to some sources, there are more than 400 types of dates in Iran, but perhaps only about 30 to 40 samples of this number of dates most people have consumed or know.

This type of date You go to Hormozgan province province and since it has excellent taste, its market is very hot in the world. One of the things that makes this Quality fruit is that its production has a limited space. Although it is possible to cultivate this crop by taking cuttings from palms and planting them in the soil, the type of soil is very important for the quality of Pyaram because it is produced only in a few special areas such as Sarchahan, Shahdadi, Tazarj and Baraftab villages with high quality.

This type of date is semi-dry and high and low water, less resistant to spoilage and sourness.

Hot Sale of Fresh Dates Fruit

Hot Sale of Fresh Dates Fruit Depending on the type of cultivation and the growing area of ​​dates, there are different types of palm trees of this fruit, some of which are:

Royal dates

Multiple dates

Dates Zahedi

Kebab dates Dates

Rabbi Brahmi

dates Special dates

Dates Sugar Gentar dates

Colonial dates

Dates Al Mehtari

Dates stone

Date dates

Dates of storage

Safavid dates

Dates Saghai

Pyaram palms

This date is known as the most luxurious and expensive types of dates in Iran, which originates from Hormozgan province (Hajiabad region) in southern Iran. Pyaram palms are mostly grown in a wide range of mountains and irrigation basin areas.

Consumption of this date is unrestricted for people with diabetes.

These dates are used in various ways, including:

With cereals In puddings, bread, cakes, cookies, ice cream Powder (date sugar) Jams, jellies, juices, juices Vinegar or alcohol

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